Military Spouse Inclusion Survey
This survey is open September 8 – October 3 for anyone who does business with the federal government and is familiar with the OFCCP hiring benchmark for veterans. The survey should take you 5 minutes to complete, and the results will remain confidential.
Hiring Our Heroes and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University through the support of Wells Fargo are conducting research to understand how you feel about this federal policy being extended to include our nation’s military spouses and the potential impact this may have on their economic opportunity.
Results from this survey will inform a business case and legislative recommendations to promote more pathways for employment for military spouses.
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We need your support in reaching others who do business with the federal government and are familiar with the OFCCP hiring benchmark for veterans so we can collect rich insight – and we’ve made it easy for you to do so! Please use the sample language and graphic below or download the full social media toolkit to spread the word.
Sample Language (Twitter)
Calling all employers who do business with the federal government and are familiar with the OFCCP hiring benchmark for veterans! @HiringOurHeroes and @IVMFSyracuseU launched the OFCCP Benchmark: Military Spouse Inclusion Assessment. Take it today! ➡
Sample Language (Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram)
Calling all employers who do business with the federal government and are familiar with the OFCCP hiring benchmark for veterans! How do you feel about expanding this policy for military spouses? Tell @HiringOurHeroes and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University through their OFCCP Benchmark: Military Spouse Inclusion Assessment. ➡
Social Media Graphic
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If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to Hiring Our Heroes at