
Fellows Social Media

In the past, many of our fellows shared their positive fellowship experiences through their personal social media channels. To help support this type of social media endorsement, we have developed a social media toolkit to use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn as well as graphics to accompany your posts.

How to Use this Toolkit

This toolkit contains content for participating fellows as well as graduating fellows. See our social media post templates below; feel free to edit the copy as needed to fit your voice.

Find Hiring Our Heroes on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Don’t forget to tag us in your posts! Tagging @HiringOurHeroes allows our team to amplify your social media posts.

Sample Posts and Graphics
Sample Posts

Participating Fellow Sample Post 1:
I am proud to announce that I will be joining [host company] as a @HiringOurHeroes fellow! This is an incredible opportunity to learn and grow as I prepare for my transition out of the military. Thank you to [your Hiring Our Heroes program manager name] for helping me through the process and Hiring Our Heroes for offering this exceptional program for [transitioning service members/military spouses/veterans]. Find out which fellowship program is right for you at #HOHFellows

Participating Fellow Sample Post 2:
I am excited to announce that I was selected as a fellow at [host company] through @HiringOurHeroes Fellows Program. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to learn, develop, and grow during my upcoming fellowship. #HOHFellows

Graduating Fellow Sample Post:
It’s graduation day! Thank you to [your supervisor or HOH project manager] for your encouragement through my @HiringOurHeroes fellowship. Also thank you to [host company] for giving me this amazing opportunity and choosing to hire military talent. If you are looking for a professional pathway to connect with military ready employers, I highly recommend @HiringOurHeroes Fellows Program: #HOHFellows
